There are two EMR exams:  a written exam (completed online) and a practical exam.  The student can have two attempts at the written exam and two attempts at the practical exam.

The student needs to pass both exams in order to be certified.  If a student passes one exam but not the other, the student only needs to re-do the exam the he or she failed.  If the student passed on of the exams, but failed the other exam twice, the student will have to repeat the whole course (i.e. take the whole course again).

Exam AttemptWritten ExamPractical ExamFinal ResultOutcome
PassFailFailTry practical exam again
FailPassFailTry written exam again
FailFailFailTry both exams again
2nd (Pass written 1st time)Already passedPassPassCertified
2nd (Pass written 1st time)Already passedFailFailTake whole course again
2nd (Pass practical 1st time)PassAlready PassedPassCertified
2nd (Pass practical 1st time)FailedAlready PassedFailTake whole course again
2ndFailFailFailTake whole course again